Hello all! Its Fraser's bona fide publisher here! I've been tasked with putting on a quick update since Fraser is unfortunately experiencing technical difficulties as he is crossing the Atlantic! He only has limited access to a central computer right now and his hard drive, where he saves his blogs, has decided that long stints at sea doesn't suit it and has given up!
Thankfully, Fraser is fairing far better and is currently en route to New York (due to arrive on the 7th) having completed another stint of piracy watch along the coast of Somalia, passed through the Suez Canal (for his second time already) and crossed the Mediterranean. Also, with the arrival of several new cadets Fraser might soon find himself as the most experienced!
With great power comes great responsibility and Fraser's expected shore leave upon arrival in Port Newark now seems uncertain. He has been given a form which allows for him to request shore leave after he has completed his duties, hopefully he is finished up sharp and NY lives up to its reputation as the city which never sleeps!
I think crossing the Atlantic has been an incredible experience at such an age, the blue might not compare to the Med but I think the waves are a sight to behold! Fingers crossed once he arrives in Port Newark he will have some Wifi and there will be some pictures and stories to share!